Action Duchenne Spring Webinar on the BIND Project a Resounding Success

The recently conducted Action Duchenne Spring Webinar on the BIND project, held on May 29th, was a great success. The webinar, titled “The BIND Project – Learning and Behaviour Challenges in Duchenne and Becker Muscular Dystrophies”, addressed the impact of these conditions on learning and behaviour.

Attendees gained valuable insights from leading experts, including Professor Francesco Muntoni, Dr. Jos Hendriksen, Dr. Ruben Miranda, and Dr. Anna Kolesnik. Their discussions highlighted the BIND project’s role in improving the quality of life for people with DMD/BMD and brain comorbidities.

Professor Muntoni’s expertise and dedication were particularly impactful, benefiting families in both the UK and Ukraine. In appreciation, the Action Duchenne organisation, led by CEO Florence Boulton, sent him a heartfelt thank you letter.

We are happy to share this thank you letter, expressing our gratitude for Prof. Muntoni’s contributions and the overall success of the event.